Television Advertising

Television Advertising

Sight, Sound & Motion

Kitch & Schreiber utilizes television advertising on behalf of our clients to communicate with current and potential customers on both broadcast stations (NBC, CBS, ABC & Fox) and cable networks (ESPN, Lifetime, Animal Planet, etc.) to deliver advertising messages.

When developing a television schedules, K&S first looks at who the client is trying to reach, then develops the most cost efficient plan or television buy that targets the desired demographic by analyzing rating points, reach and frequency of the buy.

Kitch & Schreiber also produces high definition television commercials. Depending on the desired effect, K&S has the ability to develop commercials that simply build brand recognition and/or promote an immediate response


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    Our Customers Feedback

    Kitch & Schreiber really delivered! They offered to design annual reports at an affordable price, and they nailed it!

    – Rob Smith, Client

    We Create Exceptional Television Commercials