Why work with Kitch & Schreiber?
Working with Kitch & Schreiber allows companies to have a marketing department dedicated to their business.
We are constantly looking for new and innovative ways to market customers products and/or services through creative designs and media usage.
We have an in depth knowledge of all the different types of media available. While every sales rep claims their medium is the best, we know the strengths and weaknesses of each and can pass along that knowledge on to our clients.
Additionally, by working with Kitch & Schreiber, it allows business owners and managers to have one contact person for all their advertising needs. Rather than fielding calls and having meetings with multiple sales reps every week, owners and managers can spend their time doing what they do best… running the business.
Is it expensive to work with an advertising agency?
Because Kitch & Schreiber is a “recognized advertising agency”, we receive a 15% commission on purchases made on clients’ behalf from most media partners. This enables us to offer identical pricing to what the client would pay if purchasing directly from the media company.